Saturday, January 10

Snow Fun

We seem to have a lot of snow this year so I decided it was time to get Rhea some snow pants. We got a great deal at Goodwill. Then when we got home Rhea, Daddy and myself all went outside to do some sledding.
Rhea did not like the sledding as much as we remembered from last year so we decided to take a walk down to Grandma and Papa's. She was not excited to walk in the snow until Carl showed her to do it like a monster and say "Roar" with each step.
We realized one thing on our walk. Rhea will probably follow in the Buchanan family footsteps and play hockey some day. When ever we were on snow she would walk very slow and take baby steps BUT the minute she was on ice she was off and running. Daddy and I would both ask her to slow down but she kept right on moving.

Here are a few pics from out venture...

Headed out the Door

Rhea's sled is getting a bit small. Her feet were hanging off the end.

Roaring with each step.

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